Noun clauses - Audio

Introductory Words Box

Relative pronouns
That, which, who, whom, whose, what
Indefinite relative pronouns
Whoever, whomever, whatever, whichever, whether, if
Interrogative pronoun
Interrogative adjective
Interrogative adverb
Subordinating conjunctions
How, if, when, whenever, where, whether, why

Introductory words examples: 
Daria told me (that) she was going to be late.
Daria told me she was going to be late.

Advanced English Grammar: Noun Clauses


  1. Wow, Karla I liked the way you talk. You sound like a real teacher. What I learn from all your post is that noun clauses use introducting words to begin and sometimes they can be omitted and still the sentence has its meaning. I just have a doubt how can we differentiate a noun clause from a relative clause, because they sometimes begin with the same introducting words?

  2. Hi Karla!
    Excellent information, you have explained very clear the topic and now I now more about the noun clauses:)
    Thank you!

  3. Hi Karla. I like your explanation about noun clauses. We have been studying them and I know they can be quite hard. In this audio post I learned more about noun clauses. For ex. Now I know that noun clauses can work as subjects or objects of the sentence. I appreciate your help in this topic but I have a doubth. Which are the Wh- words that we can use as a noun clauses?


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