Relative Clauses

What are relative clauses?

Relative clauses describe or provide information about something or someone that we have have already specified.

As you can see in the examples, relative clauses have their pronoums.

Relative Pronouns.

Relative pronoun
subject or object pronoun for people
I told you about the woman who lives next door.
subject or object pronoun for animals and things
Do you see the cat which is lying on the roof?
referring to a whole sentence
He couldn’t read which surprised me.
possession for people animals and things
Do you know the boy whose mother is a nurse?
object pronoun for people, especially in non-defining relative clauses (in defining relative clauses we colloquially prefer who)
I was invited by the professor whom I met at the conference.
subject or object pronoun for people, animals and things in defining relative clauses (who or which are also possible)
I don’t like the table that stands in the kitchen.

A relative adverb can be used instead of a relative pronoun plus preposition. This often makes the sentence easier to understand.

Relatives Adverbs.

Relative adverb
in/on which
refers to a time expression
the day when we met him
in/at which
refers to a place
the place where we met him
for which
refers to a reason
the reason why we met him

In these pages you will find diferentes exercises to improve your skills.
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
When I was reading this topic I didn't understand in a 100% about the topic, so I decide to search on the internet and I found several pages that help me to reinforce the topic and understand it better, I prefer to watch videos, but the exercises are a good way to don't get boring for the topic, maybe it has differences with our grammar book, but if it helps you to understand the subject, I think it is a great help for your learning.
The boxes I put they help me to study the classification of those pronouns, I hope it helps you too.



  1. Hi,Karly
    I really liked your posted.
    It was really entertaining. What I could learned about it was that relative clauses give extra information about something in the main sentence. We can use relative advers to begin the relative clauses; and inside them we can have the relative pronouns as subjects or objects of the clause.
    I have a question: why can we use "whose" for people and objects?

  2. Hello Karly!!
    Thanks for you post, relatives clauses is an important topic and I liked your post because it let us reinforce and remind our knowledge about relatives clauses and also it liked me because you shared many links with exercises and it let us practice and know if we completely understand the content of relatives clause, personally after read your post I have clear my doubts about relatives clauses because for me it was I little bit difficult identify relative clauses.
    Thank you Karly

  3. Hi Karly :)
    Pretty nice information friend, I like the way that you explain the topic:D Thanks to you I have learned better the theme, because before I had some problems with that:(, but thanks a lot!

  4. Hello there Karla!
    i liked your post, because after i read the information you've shared with us, i could understand the meaning of each relative pronoun and adverb, although i had troubles in the past, now i get the idea when i read sentences such as: I was invited by the professor whom I met at the conference, however i have a doubt: Is it incorrect to use whom when we refer to someone in speech?

    PD: Nice exercises by the way.


  5. Hello Karlis, excellent presentation on the Relative Clauses, and for the pictures where we show different examples on these, very entertaining and interesting.


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