Main and Subordinate Clauses

First we have to know their definitions in order to understand what they are.

What is a Main Clause?

A main clause is a group or words that can stand on its own, it usually contains at least a subject and a verb.

What is a Subordinate Clause? 

A subordinate clause is a articular kind of group of words that we attach in some way to a main clause. Complex sentences usually are those which contain one or more subordinate clauses.

So, we can understand that a main clause is any clause which is not contained with other clause and the subordinate clause it provides additional backgound information that helpsto frame the situation described in the main clause.


As you can see, to connect both clauses we use a Connective/Conjuction word which are used to link words, phrares or sentences. Thet help the reader to progress from one idea to the next idea. The help us to build up coherent relationships with the text.

The Subordinate Clause
The Main Clause
Connectives/Conjuction List 


  1. I like a lot the theme of your blog and also that the information is very concised and helpful. Basically, you explain the whole topic in a very effective way.

  2. Excellent information! I like the way that you have explained and the links very interesting and so clears to understand better:) Thank you to share us <3

  3. This information is useful to undestand the meaning of the sentence wich we usually forget sometimes in a context, thanks for share this information to us. :)

  4. Wow! this information is amazing!!! , There are some things about subordinate clauses that I didn't Know. It will helpme to improve me knowledge about how to link the subordinate clauses :)
    And by the way, your resources are pretty nice!, all my doubts about main clauses and subordinate clauses were solved!

    Thanks you!!

  5. Wow, I really liked it Karla. And it reminded me that a conjunction is part of some of the connecting words we can use when we link subordinating clauses with the main clause. I just have a doubt and it is that Do we use the same conecting words to link words, phrases and clauses, or is there an specific group for each?
    It was great!!


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