Finite and Non-finite Clauses - Audio



Finite clauses must contain a verb which shows tense. They can be main clauses or subordinate clauses:

Is it raining? (main: present)
I spoke to Joanne last night. (main: past)
We didn’t get any food because we didn’t have enough time. (main: past; subordinate: past)

We often use a non-finite clause when the subject is the same as the subject in the main clause:

I had something to eat before leaving. (I had something to eat before I left.)
After having spent six hours at the hospital, they eventually came home.
Helped by local volunteers, staff at the museum have spent many years sorting and cataloguing more than 100,000 photographs.
He left the party and went home, not having anyone to talk to.
The person to ask about going to New Zealand is Beck.
You have to look at the picture really carefully in order to see all the detail.



  1. Hello there Karla, i was having a hard time dealing with some unclear aspects about this topic, but i really liked your podcast because your explanation about the information you got, was very clear and comprehensible, the aspect i didn't know and also found very interesting is, that there are several categories within each type of verb.

    PD: Thanks for the video was very entertaining and explanatory.

  2. Hello Karly,
    I like that you post a video, I like to watch videos about grammar, they are easy to understand and I learned a lot with the video you post and also give a lot of examples and it explain the topic in easy way, was very useful to improve my knowledge.

    Thanks for the information karly


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