The complex sentence - Audio




  1. Hi there Karla!
    Nice post, i enjoyed listening to your explanation, because it was very brief and comprehensible, by the way the resources and exercises are very complete, now i can say that is easier to spot and use complex sentences.
    No further questions.

  2. Hello Karly!
    Your post is really nice you share many resources as: video, information, and exercisess, I also like your blog, because the content that you share with us is really important and it is easy to understand!
    Actually I learned when a complex sentence, is a sentence that combines one independent clause with at least one dependent clause. My is doubt, we can use subordinate clauses y a complex sentence?
    Thanks you!!

  3. Hi Karla.
    Your material in your post is really nice, in the way that you can explain is nice, it`s a interesting topic although we have already studied this topic it`s neccesary to make a rewiew.
    in my case your material have helped me to know a lot of, for example I learned about the three Types of subrdinate clauses depend adjective clauses act as adjective that means that they modify noun or pronous. They`re joined to indeendent clauses with word called relative pronouns or relative adverbs.
    I have a doubt, I want to know about the function the independent clause.
    I have doubt,

  4. Hello dear Karla! I enjoyed your audio post and this topic helped me to remember the complex sentences that probably will appear in tomorrow's exam. With your information I have refreshed my mind about the 4 types of subordinate clauses. I only have a small question. Is there a way to not use any subordinate conjunction, only use simple sentences? Or is a must that in spoken or written english they have to be used? Thanks!


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